From time to time you may want to get in touch with me to drop me a line, give a suggestion or comment on the blog so I thought I would give you a few ways you can do this.
* You can make a comment on any blog post. I read these and approve them before they are published and I will pretty much always respond.
* You can track me down at Twitter at and send me a message there.
Thanks folks!

Any idea when you might be updating Realpantyhoseteens? My membership just renewed but no updates since Nov 19th? Please advise.
Hey there,
I am not the owner of Real Pantyhose Teens although I am a fan and help Bob out from time to time. I was chatting with Bob and he ran into a few problems but is working through them. He is scheduling some new photoshoots so we should see some updates shortly!
Just thought I would comment on this once again. Real Pantyhose Teens has been back up and running for a while now. The new content is being updated regularly and photosets were scheduled for all the dates missed. Still my favorite pantyhose site on the Internet!
can you put men wearing pantyhose and having great sex doing it as well i do because i love to waer them an have fun doing it as well
Hey Butch… must have missed this comment. Not into this niche unfortunately mate… lots of sites do this but I won’t be including on this blog.
In the name of God and everything that is even remotely Holy PLEASE,……PLEASE Get the teen pantyhose forum up and running again!! I LOVE that site. Yes,…LOVE. I miss it so very much. It it’s closed permanetly that would break my heart (no, shatter it !!) beyond belief. Hope to hear from you via email. Thank you very much. I love the only secretaries, only tease, only silk and satin pics on there. Incredible.
Hey Steve,
No, just been away on an extended vacation… I’ll be back at it on Monday!
Thanks for your concern
Thanks Steve and sorry for the delayed reponse… I’ll be working long and hard to get this place updated with great new free pantyhose pics!
Hi again Chris. Did you quit updating your Only Tease Fan blog??
Thanks for your hard work!!!
Hi again Chris. Did you quit updating your Only Tease Fan blog??
Thanks for your hard work!!! Miss that Blog!! You’ve been posting some hot stuff lately…always. Thanks!!!
Hey Chris!!! Welcome back!!! Thank you for coming back on your Only Tease Fan Blog. Missed you.
Thanks man… It’s good to be back. Just got quite a bit of work accomplished today so hopefully both of your favourite blogs will keep humming along
Chris my man you have been on a ROLL on the Only Tease Fan blog ever since you’ve been back!!! Thank you!!! The blog has gone from famine to FEAST!!!!!!!!!
Glad you’re enjoying the updates Steve. Been working hard on keeping it updated. The comment section over at the site is working once again (didn’t know it was broken until I tested it) so feel free to comment over there at any time.
You have been on FIRE Chris!! Thank you. The comments section of the Only Tease Fan Blog does not work, so I had to praise you here instead. That Stacey P set you posted was F’n INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!
You are the man.
Thanks Steve! Appreciate the comments as always.
I’ve fixed the comment section on Only Tease Fan. Test it out and let me know if you have any problems.
Holy crap Chris! You on sabbatical, hiatus, or M.I.A.??? Miss your posts. By the way your site is freakin’ LOADED with viruses!!! My virus defense tracks (catches) 2 viruses everytime I log on that site.
On a brief sabbatical to concentrate on other business interests but am actually working on OnlyTeaseFan as we speak… this blog will be next. As for teensinpantyhose, that’s not my site anymore and I haven’t had anything to do with it for a couple of years. Not sure why my name is still attached to it but I moved on and started MyPantyhoseBlog…
Hope all is well on your end!
Hi Chris have you got any vids on angelica and Britney or do you know there real names
Just over I don’t share any full-length videos… and as far as I know they have only ever appeared at that site. Zoli is pretty good at recruiting cuties.
Black hosiery
video here
Thanks! If you have anything else pantyhose related, be sure to drop on by and let me know. Cheers!
Hey Chris. long time no talk. I don’t know if you remember me but my gf and I used to post on your old forum page like 10 years ago. I had a hard drive crash recently and lost most of my pictures of her. I know its a long shot but I was wondering if you had any of the content from your old forums backed up somewhere. She went by the name Panyhose Kunt. If you have the time to help me out I have a few pictures from that time period that weren’t lost if it might help digging them up.
I am very exciting to see your pantyhose feet and legs, I want to recognize
I really want to touch with your pantyhose feet, I think it is very wonderful in my life .
Been searching forever and everywhere for favorite Pantyhose Addict gallery of Izzy Sinclair in navy blue pantyhose and micro-mini skirt on classroom desk. Pretty sure it’s called, “Izzy the Sexy Substitute” and is from somewhere between 2000-2003.
hi buddy, did you still have this set?
im big fan of luna vera and i wanted to buy but the site is rip….. please tell me do you still have? :), I tried to contact with you on twitter
Unfortunately I don’t. I know Zoli has some stuff listed at Clips4Sale and Images4Sale but not sure if this model is on there.
Hey Chris, just wondering if Carissa has other galleries out there, or if the ones you have are it.
Unfortunately not. As far as I know she only ever did shoots with Zoli.