Tanya T from Only Opaques is taking on the role of naughty schoolgirl in tights in these free images from the website. Her school uniform consists of a very short plaid skirt with a dark sweater over her blouse. Her legs are covered in black opaque pantyhose and a pair of matching heels finishes off her ensemble. This petite cutie seems to have legs that go on forever, doesn’t she? Tanya takes a seat on the bed and gives us a look up her skirt in the process. Her sweater, blouse and miniskirt all end up on the floor, leaving her in her bra and panties. We definitely won’t complain about watching her strip, now will we?
Only Opaques is part of the OnlyAllSites network that gives you access to 8 amazing sites including OnlyTease, Only-Opaques, Only-Secretaries and OnlySilkAndSatin. Their moto is We focus on the erotic, not the extreme and that is certainly the case. Instead of just joining OnlyTease, why not consider upgrading and getting instant access to all their incredible pantyhose photo sets and videos for one monthly price? It features over 1,020+ models, 4.5+ million images and 8,750+ videos including 4k and VR! Click HERE and get instant access today!
I’d like to walk in on her..
You and me both! Lol